Social Commitment


WACKER supports scientific, social and cultural projects, primarily through regional and local outreach programs at our sites. In doing so, we focus on education and science. In 2008, WACKER once again assumed sponsorship of the Bavarian state’s “Young Scientist” competition, as well as of the regional competition in Dresden. For years, we have been supporting young scientific talent and motivating young people to research and discover.

In July 2008, WACKER and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) opened an Institute of Silicon Chemistry in Garching near Munich. In total, we provide €6 million, thereby fully funding the new institute for at least six years. The 500 m2 laboratory wing provides ideal working conditions for interdisciplinary research into macromolecular organosilicon compounds. Under the direction of the WACKER Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry, the institute concentrates on such research fields as organofunctional silicon compounds and silicones. Funding primarily targets projects at the crossroads between physics, biotechnology and the material sciences.

Aside from education and science, we are also particularly active in social projects for children and young people. Since 2007, WACKER has been supporting a German religious charity, “Die Arche.” The charity mainly helps five- to twelve-year-olds from socially disadvantaged families in several German cities. It provides the children with hot meals and tutoring, organizes leisure activities and offers advice and counseling. In 2008, WACKER donated €100,000 to this charity. The Munich branch is using this money to enhance its youth work via additional rooms and a new social worker.

WACKER’s relief fund (WACKER HILFSFONDS) was set up in 2005 to offer aid to victims of catastrophes. In May 2008, news of the earthquake in the Chinese region of Sichuan shocked the world. The Executive Board donated €50,000 to the relief fund as emergency aid and matched the sum donated by employees for the earthquake victims. In total, donations of €100,000 were collected. Together with our WACKER Greater China subsidiary, the relief fund decided to use the money to rebuild a school in the Sichuan region.
