Customer and Supplier Management

At WACKER, our goal is to provide products and services that create advantages for our customers, whose satisfaction determines our economic success. To steadily enhance their satisfaction, we are in constant dialog with them, as well as with our suppliers and logistics providers.

We manage customer relations with the help of our customer information and control system (KISS), which supports Sales, for example, with correspondence and with complaints evaluation/processing. Every complaint is entered into KISS and systematically tracked until our final reply has been sent to the customer. Initially, the customer should receive word from us within 48 hours.

WACKER holds regular customer surveys to gain feedback about product and service quality. In 2007, we surveyed chemical-segment customers. Around three-quarters of the 1,800 customers and distributors involved were either satisfied or completely satisfied with our products and services. In our customers’ eyes, WACKER employees provide a strong competitive advantage due to their outstanding expertise and highly collaborative approach. The customer-survey data were analyzed all the way down to individual business teams and regions – resulting in concrete improvement measures. Our WACKER POLYSILICON and Siltronic divisions conduct customer surveys every year. For many years now, these surveys have also confirmed that WACKER has an excellent reputation among customers.

We also maintain close partnerships with suppliers and logistics providers. First, we use our complaints management system to improve processes at short notice. Second, we include our key suppliers’ performance levels in an annual evaluation. Third, we conduct audits as part of supplier management. We are also careful that our suppliers are certified to ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environmental protection), and are committed to the Responsible Care® initiative.

In 2007, we began to review new suppliers in China according to a comprehensive catalog of criteria and, in 2008, Siltronic set up a supplier risk management system to sustainably secure supplies and services. Suppliers are assessed according to such criteria as quality, delivery reliability and solvency, and then classified by risk. If the risk to criteria fulfillment is acute, countermeasures are promptly taken.

In 2008, we informed all our suppliers that they should comply with, and uphold, the Global Compact principles. We perform random supplier audits to ensure compliance and have included these principles in our general terms of procurement. Our annual events for suppliers and shippers provide an important communication platform, where we honor our best suppliers and shippers.
