Wacker Chemie AG’s four-member Executive Board oversees the Group’s strategies, resources, infrastructure and organizational structure. President and CEO Dr. Rudolf Staudigl heads the Board. The other members are Dr. Joachim Rauhut, Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler and Auguste Willems. An Executive Board Meeting is WACKER’s highest decision-making authority. Below the Executive Board, there are various committees whose membership spans several organizational sectors and legal entities. These committees ensure that corporate strategies are implemented groupwide.

The Corporate Strategy Committee (KUS), for example, deliberates on strategically important processes, potential market or competitor developments, and key special topics not directly related to daily operations. The committee comprises the entire Executive Board, business-division presidents and corporate-department heads.
The main committees for environment, health, safety and product safety are the EHS & PS Strategy Meeting (convenes annually) and the Corporate EHS & PS Meeting, each led by the Executive Board member responsible for Site Management. Personnel policies are dealt with monthly by the HR Strategy Group while employee health is addressed once a year by the Health Promotion Steering Committee – both are chaired by WACKER’s personnel director.