Governance and Shareholder Structure

Corporate Governance

Wacker Chemie AG attaches great importance to the rules of proper Corporate Governance. With a few exceptions, we comply with the recommendations contained in Germany’s Corporate Governance Code. The exceptions are listed in the declaration of conformity issued on December 11, 2008 by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board in accordance with Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).

Shareholder Structure

Wacker Chemie AG’s largest shareholder is still Dr. Alexander Wacker Familiengesellschaft mbH, Munich. It holds over 50% of the voting shares in Wacker Chemie AG (2007: over 50%).

In 2008, Blue Elephant Holding GmbH (Pöcking, Germany) once again did not have any voting-share changes to report, which means it still holds over 10% (2007: over 10%) of Wacker Chemie AG.

Artisan Partners Limited Partnership, Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA) owns over 5% of the voting shares in Wacker Chemie AG (2007: over 5%).
