optimized printing

Operational Control Instruments


WACKER controls its operational processes using an integrated management system (IMS). The company’s IMS regulates our workflows and responsibilities, taking account of productivity, quality and environment, health & safety. It is based on legal provisions, as well as national and international standards. WACKER’s voluntary commitments regarding the Responsible Care® and Global Compact initiatives go beyond what is set as a minimum by legislation and management standards. The main aspects of WACKER’s IMS comprise several management systems certified to ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environmental protection) and, in some instances, to OHRIS/OHSAS (occupational health & safety and plant safety), ISO/TS 16949 (quality) and HACCP (food hygiene).

An Integrated Management System Controls Operational Processes

All our processes are designed to give customers complete satisfaction, fulfill our social responsibilities, and ensure WACKER’s competitiveness via sustainable and efficient business practices. Each of our sites achieves these goals in different ways. For example, Siltronic Portland’s very effective “Quality and Value Improvement System” uses various control mechanisms such as balanced scorecards and instruments for developing, prioritizing and tracking action plans. Employed at all our business divisions as an overarching program, the “Wacker Operating System” (WOS) helps continuously improve plant and process productivity.
