The goal of risk management at WACKER is to identify risks as early as possible, to evaluate them appropriately, and – if necessary – to eliminate them using suitable measures. As a specialty-chemical and semiconductor company, we have a particular responsibility in operating our plants and protecting health and the environment. This is why all our production sites have employees dedicated to plant and workplace safety, as well as health and environmental protection. Our risk management complies with German legislation on control and transparency in companies (“KonTraG”) and is a key component in all our decisions and business processes.
The WACKER Group is regularly faced with risks and opportunities which could either negatively or positively affect its assets, earnings and cash flow, as well as its intangible assets such as its trademarks or image.
In order to make risks as manageable as possible, WACKER focuses on identifying, evaluating, controlling and monitoring them. Thus, risk management is a groupwide task involving all corporate levels. WACKER’s risk management system consists of three intermeshed aspects:
- Area-specific risk management, including corresponding early-warning systems
- Groupwide risk coverage
- Groupwide risk mapping

Risks Are Recorded Systematically and Specifically