optimized printing

Advanced Training

WACKER offers advanced training to all employees, helping them according to their strengths and career paths. After all, we need skilled workers if WACKER is to remain innovative and competitive. Clearly, lifelong learning and job flexibility are becoming increasingly important for us, not least because we need to adjust to the longer duration of working life.

Annual performance reviews afford employees and supervisors the chance to agree on development measures. This applies to all employees, from standard-payscale right up to top management. In 2007 and 2008, 21,800 places at seminars, advanced training courses and conferences were filled. Additionally, our e-learning courses were performed 126,500 times.

WACKER’s training program covers technical, managerial, social and personal skills. Participation in some seminars is mandatory for certain jobs. Plant employees promoted to certified industrial foreperson must attend seminars, for example, on work safety. Addition-ally, lab heads, plant managers/engineers and other managerial staff must attend seminars customized to their own job profiles. The training program on offer includes numerous voluntary courses, ranging from a seminar on Coping with a Flood of Emails to one on Ergonomics and PC Workstations. Wherever appropriate, online courses supplement classroom-based training.

WACKER invested €6.2 million in personnel development and advanced training in 2007 and €7.2 million in 2008.

 download table

Advanced Training1





Number of Training Hours per Employee





Excludes production-specific training. Includes internal and external seminars and advance-training courses. Figures apply to the Domestic Group.


Third-level management (FK 3) and executive personnel (OFK).





Standard-payscale employees




Above-standard-payscale employees2



