optimized printing

Logistics and Transport

Just as WACKER has grown significantly over recent years, so have our production operations, e.g. at our largest site in Burghausen. Good logistics connections for the site are necessary, not least to keep the impact on the general public as low as possible.

Even today, we transport most of the freight containers leaving WACKER’s German sites to ports in the north via rail. In Burghausen, we transport almost 100% of such container shipments by rail. Over 10,000 freight containers a year no longer travel to ports by road. Over shorter distances, however, truck transport is still more cost-effective and thus indispensable. WACKER supports the planning of a new public handling terminal for intermodal freight transport in Burghausen. The logistics hub’s aim is to transfer freight transport from road to rail where possible. The regional planning procedure was completed in 2008; the earliest date for commissioning the handling terminal is 2011.

To supply customers even faster and more reliably worldwide, we expanded Burghausen’s Container and Logistics Center in 2007/2008. The expansion was rounded out when Loxxess opened a new central external warehouse near our Burghausen site. This allowed WACKER to close ten smaller storage sites in the region. Besides improving logistics processes, this measure reduces traveling distances. Traffic and related emissions were reduced.
