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Enhanced Capital-Market Presence Boosts the Company's Name Recognition

Our company’s strategic focus on growth and sustainably high margins is reinforced by continual and open communications with institutional/private investors and analysts. In 2009, we increasingly approached national and international investors and analysts to explain our business strategy, key financial indicators and future outlook. On many occasions, Executive Board members attended in person to answer questions from capital-market participants.

Our event calendar included 33 roadshows with a total of 35 roadshow days in Germany, other European countries and the USA. We also held about 400 one-on-one talks and some 40 group discussions, and participated in various international conferences.

WACKER gave presentations at, for example:

  • / HSBC Small/Mid Cap SRI Conference in Frankfurt
  • / Piper Jaffray Annual Solar and CleanTech Investor Conference in New York
  • / LBBW Photovoltaics Conference in Zurich
  • / UBS Global Renewable Energy Conference in London
  • / Kepler Alternative Energies Conference in Paris
  • / EPIA International Conference on Solar Photovoltaic Investments in Frankfurt
  • / Sal. Oppenheim Chemicals Conference in Zurich
  • / DZ-Bank Sustainable Technologies Conference in Zurich
  • / Deutsche Bank German and Austrian Corporate Conference 2009 in Frankfurt, Deutsche Bank Corporate Conference in Tokyo
  • / PVSEC in Hamburg
  • / UniCredit German Investment Conference in Munich
  • / Credit Suisse Solar Technology Day in Frankfurt
  • / UBS Global Solar One-on-One Conference and Piper Jaffray Solar Symposium at Solar Power International in Anaheim
  • / Merrill Lynch European Chemicals Conference in London
  • / Macquarie Wind & Solar Conference in London
  • / Metzler Environment Day in Frankfurt

In 2009, WACKER held its third successful Capital Market Day in London. Some 50 analysts and investors took part, either in person or via a webcast. There, they were able to gain an up-to-date overview of our company, technologies, products and innovations.

In 2009, Wacker Chemie AG also engaged in ongoing dialog with private investors, presenting the Group and its markets at various forums. For example, we attended the shareholder forums organized by the DSW (German association of small investors) in Frankfurt, Cologne, Hamburg and Stuttgart, as well as the corporate presentation held by the SdK shareholder association in Kaiserslautern.