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Expected Financial Performance

We expect 2010 Group sales to be higher than in 2009. The primary factor here is sales volumes, which should slowly rise again from a low level. The global economic trend is still very difficult to predict due to the numerous uncertainties involved. Consequently, a reliable and quantifiable forecast is not possible. We also foresee EBITDA gains compared to 2009. As for Group net income, we expect 2010’s result to be back in clearly positive territory. We assume that the dollar will remain rather weak, which affects us negatively. Our raw-material and energy costs will rise in 2010, though primarily because of our higher volume needs. In total, price effects will be low.

The semiconductor market recovery will continue in 2010, positively affecting capacity utilization – and probably prices, too. Demand will rise, especially for 300 mm wafers. We assume that these trends will lead to sales gains at SILTRONIC.

At WACKER SILICONES, we expect 2010 sales revenue to climb slightly. Growth will mostly stem from Asia, where demand for silicone products will continue to rise. We plan to close our silicone-emulsion site in Duncan (USA) at the end of 2010 and transfer production to our Adrian site.

At WACKER POLYMERS, volumes should increase in 2010. Asia remains the fastest-growing market. By commissioning the Nanjing production site, WACKER can now optimally serve the key Chinese market and boost sales in this region. We also see regional growth opportunities in eastern Europe.

WACKER forecasts that global polysilicon output and demand will continue rising over the next two years and that prices will probably decline. At the same time, the photovoltaic market will steadily gain in importance compared to semiconductors. WACKER POLYSILICON has secured a large part of its polysilicon production volumes through long-term agreements. The division’s production capacities will be boosted by the “Poly 9” expansion stage in Nünchritz, Germany. The facility’s ramp-up is set for the second half of 2011. A key task for the coming two years is to boost productivity and enhance cost positions to ensure our cost and technological leadership over competitors.

Focus on Polysilicon Production Expansion

In 2010, WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS’ sales should grow at a double-digit rate. The existing GMP plant (Good Manufacturing Practice for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) in Jena has doubled its production area, and started full-scale operations in March 2010. WACKER performed the expansion to provide customers with sufficient capacity to produce biopharmaceuticals that are already at an advanced stage of development.