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Goals and Outlook


New Sustainability Department

At the start of 2011, we redoubled our efforts relating to sustainability, putting them on an international footing. WACKER’s new Corporate Sustainability department manages the voluntary commitments arising from our membership of Responsible Care® and Global Compact and drives sustainability activities throughout the Group.

Sustainability Reporting

We are working on standardizing our various IT systems for groupwide sustainability reporting.

Management Systems

We aim to have obtained Group certification for our sites in Holla, Norway, and Jincheon, South Korea, along with our sales locations, by 2012. The Jena site will be integrated into the Group certificate in 2011. To certify all sites to the OHSAS standard for occupational health and safety, we will determine the different requirements at the various sites in 2011. We are seeking to achieve groupwide OHSAS certification by 2015.

New Goals

Certify the Group to ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environment); Group certification1

Corporate entity: Groupwide
Deadline: 2011

Certify all WACKER sites to the internationally recognized OHSAS occupational health and safety management system

Corporate entity: Groupwide
Deadline: 2015

Employee Suggestion Program (BVW): reach a total benefit from suggestions of at least €10 million per year

Corporate entity: Germany
Deadline: From 2009 to 2011

Employee Suggestion Program (BVW): increase the participation rate (number of submitters per 100 employees) from 28 to 50 percent (referenced to 2008)

Corporate entity: Germany
Deadline: By 2011

1 Includes all business divisions (key production sites) and corporate departments

Goals 2007/2008

Certify the Group to ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environment); Group certification1

Corporate entity: Groupwide
Deadline: 2011
Implementation status: Goal was realized to a large extent. By late 2010, the Burghausen, Munich, Nünchritz, Kempten and Cologne sites in Germany, along with all WACKER US sites and all WACKER Greater China sites, were included in the Group certificate. Also included were Plzeň (Czech Republic), Ulsan (South Korea) and the technical competence centers in Dubai, Moscow and Shanghai.

Certify all WACKER sites to the internationally recognized OHSAS occupational health and safety management system

Corporate entity: Groupwide
Deadline: 2011
Implementation status: Preparations for OHSAS certification commenced in the period under review. We compiled a checklist to help the sites assess their degree of compliance with OHSAS and where there are gaps to be filled. The goal is being re-set.

Employee Suggestion Program (BVW): Reach a total benefit from suggestions of at least €10 million per year

Corporate entity: Germany
Deadline: From 2009 to 2011
Implementation status: Goal was reached in the period under review. In 2009, suggestions for improvement yielded a total benefit of €12.4 million compared with €11.9 million in 2010.

Employee Suggestion Program (BVW): Increase the participation rate (number of submitters per 100 employees) from 28 to 50 percent (referenced to 2008)

Corporate entity: Germany
Deadline: By 2011
Implementation status: The participation rate in 2009 stagnated at 28 percent. In 2010, it rose to 33 percent.

1 Includes all business divisions (key production sites) and corporate departments