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Proposal on Appropriation of Profits

In accordance with German Commercial Code accounting rules, Wacker Chemie AG posted a retained profit of €978.7 million in 2011. The Executive and Supervisory Boards will propose a dividend of €2.20 per share at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. Based on the number of shares entitled to dividends as per December 31, 2011, the cash dividend corresponds to a payout of €109,291,562.60.

Calculated in relation to WACKER’s average share price in 2011, the dividend yield is 2.01 percent.

At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, the Executive and Supervisory Boards will propose treating the remaining amount as profit carried forward.


WACKER has sufficient credit lines available at banks and does not issue financial instruments such as bonds and commercial paper. Consequently, WACKER has not published a credit rating so far.