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Risks and Opportunities

Wacker Chemie AG’s business performance is subject to the same risks and opportunities as those facing the WACKER Group. In principle, Wacker Chemie AG’s exposure to risks at subsidiaries and investments depends on the size of its stakes in the respective entities. Through our subsidiaries and holdings, we could face impairments arising from legal or contractual contingencies (especially financing). These contingencies are explained in the Notes of Wacker Chemie AG.

As the parent company of the WACKER Group, Wacker Chemie AG is integrated in the groupwide risk management system.

For further details, see notes section of this Annual Report.
The description of the internal control system for Wacker Chemie AG, as mandated by Section 289, Subsection 5 of the German Commercial Code (HGB), can be found in the section on Internal Control System (ICS) and Internal Control System for Accounting.