Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker1,4,5Chairman Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Advisory Council Anton Eisenacker*1,4,5Deputy Chairman Peter Áldozó*Burghausen Dr. Konrad Bachhuber* (until December 31, 2011)Cleveland, Tennessee, USA Chairman of the Board of Directors Manfred Köppl*3 (since June 30, 2011)Kirchdorf Franz-Josef Kortüm1,4Munich Chairman of the Executive Board Seppel Kraus*Olching Member of the Supervisory Board Harald Sikorski* (since June 1, 2011)Munich Member of the Supervisory Board Dr. Thomas StrüngmannTegernsee |
Matthias BieblMunich Dr. Werner BieblMunich Managing Director Marko Fartelj*Kirchdorf Uwe Fritz*2 (until May 31, 2011)Julbach Member of the Supervisory Board Konrad Kammergruber* (since January 1, 2012)Burghausen Eduard-Harald Klein*Neuötting Dr. Bernd W. Voss5Kronberg i.T. Member of the Board of Directors Dr. Susanne WeissMunich Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board Prof. Dr. Ernst-Ludwig WinnackerMunich Chairman of the Supervisory Board |
* Employee representative
** Affiliated company
1 Mediation Committee: Chairman Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
2 Mediation Committee until May 31, 2011
3 Mediation Committee from June 30, 2011
4 Executive Committee: Chairman Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
5 Audit Committee: Chairman Dr. Bernd W. Voss