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22 Explanatory Notes on Segment Reporting

The Group’s segment reporting is geared toward the internal organizational and reporting structure. WACKER reports on five operating segments (Siltronic, Silicones, Polymers, Polysilicon and Biosolutions), which are organized and managed autonomously on the basis of the type of products they offer and their different risk and income structures. Any activities not assigned to an operating segment are shown under “Other.” Currency translation results which cannot be assigned to a segment are likewise shown in this item. Although the Biosolutions segment does not exceed the threshold values stipulated by IFRS 8, WACKER decided to report it as a segment subject to reporting requirements due to its specific product and customer structure.

Statement of financial position and statement of income items are assigned to the operating segments in accordance with the commercial power of disposition. Assets used jointly by several segments are generally shown under “Other” if they cannot be assigned clearly to a particular segment. A similar approach is adopted for borrowed funds. For the geographical regions, the assets and liabilities are assigned in accordance with where the respective Group company’s site is located. Sales are classified in accordance with both the customer’s headquarters and the respective Group company’s site.

WACKER measures the segments’ success by the segment profitability variables EBIT and EBITDA. EBIT consists of the gross result from sales, selling and general administrative expenses, research and development expenses, and other operating income and expenses less investments in joint ventures and associates and other income from investments. EBITDA is produced by adding depreciation and amortization, impairments, and write-ups to EBIT.

Asset additions, depreciation, amortization and write-ups refer to intangible assets, to property, plant and equipment, to investment property and to financial assets. Internal sales show the sales that are generated between the segments. They are settled mainly on the basis of market prices or planned direct costs. Segment information is, as a rule, based on the same presentation and accounting methods as the consolidated financial statements. Receivables and liabilities, provisions, income, expenses, and results between the segments are eliminated in the course of consolidation.

As a rule, the assets reported for the segments encompass all of their assets. Loans, cash and cash equivalents, and deferred tax assets, however, are allocated to the “Other” segment.

The liabilities shown for the segments represent all of their liabilities – except deferred tax liabilities, shown under “Other.” The Group’s financial liabilities are allocated to individual segments in proportion to the segment assets. The Siltronic segment prepares its own sub-group consolidated financial statements.

Of the valuation changes recognized with no effect on income, €11.9 million (2010: €-4.3 million) are attributable to the Siltronic segment and €9.8 million (2010: €6.0 million) to “Other.” The valuation changes essentially relate to the changes in the market values of derivative financial instruments from cash flow hedging.

In addition to Germany, the USA and China are the only countries in which WACKER generates significant sales from a Group viewpoint. Measured in relation to the headquarters of the selling unit in the USA, sales amounted to €739.6 million (2010: €735.6 million). Measured by the respective customer headquarters in the USA and China, the sales generated were €707.0 million (2010: €682.7 million) and €706.2 million (2010: €616.0 million) respectively. There are no customers with whom significant sales are generated.

The reconciliation of the segments’ aggregate results with the net result for the year is derived from the following list:

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Reconciliation of Segment Results

€ million










Operating result of reporting segments (EBIT)










Group EBIT





Financial result





Income before tax





Income taxes





Net income for the year



