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Management and Supervision

In compliance with the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), Wacker Chemie AG has a two-tier management system, comprising the Executive Board and Supervisory Board. The Executive Board has four members.

Executive Board Responsibilities


Dr. Rudolf Staudigl President & CEO

President & CEO


Executive Personnel, Corporate Development, Corporate Communications, Investor Relations, Corporate Auditing, Legal, Compliance, Retirement Benefits (since July 1, 2016)


Dr. Christian Hartel


Human Resources (Personnel Director), Corporate Engineering Region: Asia


Dr. Tobias Ohler


Corporate Accounting and Tax, Corporate Controlling, Corporate Finance and Insurance, Information Technology, Technical Procurement & Logistics, Raw Materials & Energy Region: The Americas


Auguste Willems


Sales & Distribution, Corporate Research & Development, Intellectual Property, Site Management, Corporate Security, Environment / Health / Safety, Product Stewardship Regions: Europe, Middle East



Wacker Chemie AG is the parent company and thus determines the Group’s strategy, overall management, resource allocation, funding, and communications with key target groups (especially with the capital market and shareholders).

Executive Board and Supervisory Board in Fiscal 2016

Changes occurred on the Supervisory Board in 2016.

The Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Anton Eisenacker, stepped down effective December 31, 2016 upon his retirement. At its meeting of December 6, 2016, the Supervisory Board elected Manfred Köppl, already a board member, as its new Vice Chairman effective January 1, 2017. As a result, Hansgeorg Schuster, already elected an alternate member, became a full member of the Supervisory Board as of January 1, 2017.

Declaration on Corporate Management

The declaration on corporate management required by Sections 289a and 315 (5) of the German Commercial Code (HGB) is included in the corporate governance report. This declaration forms part of the combined management report and is also available online. It contains the Executive and Supervisory Boards’ work procedures, the declaration of conformity pursuant to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), and information on key corporate management practices.

www.wacker.com /corporate-governance

Executive Board and Supervisory Board Compensation

Executive Board compensation contains both fixed and variable components. The main features of the compensation system for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board are described in the compensation report, which is included in the corporate governance report. The compensation report is also part of the combined management report.
