
Forming a core part of WACKER’s business model, sustainability is one of the company’s five strategic goals. Responsible stewardship means that WACKER also contributes to at least seven of the UN’s sustainable development goals.

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Vision & Goals
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A Fresh Start

Acting on multiple levels, WACKER is working to integrate young refugees. This work is rewarded time and again by positive surprises. For instance, when two young women from Afghanistan and Syria passed an aptitude test with flying colors, enabling them to start training at WACKER.

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€183.4 million

spent on R&D in 2016

Research & Development


material safety data sheets in up to 37 languages

Product Safety


€5.5 million

invested in environmental protection in 2016

Environmental Protection Costs

93 to 96 percent

hydrogen chloride is recycled in our closed production loops

Integrated Production


€2.1 million

was earmarked for donations and sponsorships in 2016

Donations & Sponsorships

515 suppliers

were assessed in terms of their sustainability performance by late 2016

TfS Supplier Assessment
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Dialogue & Materiality Analysis

Companies must have the consent and support of society. We want to maintain regular and open dialogue with all stakeholders. This is one of our business principles. We believe that dialogue offers us an opportunity to prepare for new challenges promptly, avoid risks and realize our full potential.

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Communication with Stakeholders
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Production & Safety

WACKER has made progress in many areas that are of importance to sustainable business management. Take for example our largest site, Burghausen, where we have lowered specific environmental units (which are measured against production volumes) by 41 percent over the last ten years.

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Environmental Performance Assessment
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WACKER requires committed and skilled workers if it is to remain innovative and competitive. Globalization, demographic change and new regulatory requirements are making diversity and inclusion increasingly important issues. Holding each employee’s skills and dedication in high regard, we are convinced that diversity and inclusion enhance our company’s performance.

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Equal Opportunity
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2015/2016 Wacker Chemie AG
Sustainability Report 2015/2016

Services & Tools

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Complete Wacker Chemie AG
Sustainability Report 2015/2016
PDF, 9.4 MB, 115 pages All the tables from the sustainability report
XLS, 219 KB, 42 tables


Corporate Website

WACKER-Berichte im Überblick

Sustainability Report 2013/2014

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