Consolidation Methods

The consolidated financial statements are based on the separate financial statements of Wacker Chemie AG and its consolidated subsidiaries, joint arrangements and structured entities. The reporting date for all of these companies is December 31.

All key reporting data of these companies was audited by independent auditors prior to inclusion in the consolidated financial statements.

Business combinations are recognized by applying the purchase method as defined in IFRS 3. The acquisition costs are shown as the sum of fair values at the date of purchase of the assets transferred, of the liabilities incurred or assumed, and of any equity instruments issued in exchange for control of the entity acquired. In addition, it contains the fair values of assets and liabilities arising from contingent consideration arrangements. Assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities identified as part of the acquisition during initial consolidation are measured at fair value as of the acquisition date.

For each acquisition, the individual option exists of measuring any shares not acquired either at fair value or at the proportionate share of the fair value of the acquired entity’s net assets. These non-controlling interests are recognized in the statement of financial position under the line item of the same name.

Costs associated with the business combination are recognized as expenses insofar as they do not concern costs of issuing debt instruments or equity securities.

Goodwill is the amount on the acquisition date by which the sum of acquisition costs, any existing non-controlling interests and the fair value of any previously held equity interests exceeds the acquired entity’s net assets measured at fair value. Negative differences are recognized in profit or loss immediately after undertaking an additional review of the purchase price allocation.

Investments accounted for using the equity method are initially measured at acquisition cost when the acquisition is made. If the cost exceeds the pro rata share of equity, the difference (goodwill) is included in the carrying amount of the investment. The carrying amount has to be tested for possible impairment losses as of the reporting date. If the cost is lower than the share of equity at the time of acquisition, this difference is included in the carrying amount and recorded in the statement of income as income from investments in joint ventures and associates. The carrying amounts for these entities are increased or decreased annually to reflect their pro rata earnings, dividend payouts or other changes in equity. If there is any indication that the value of the investment has been permanently reduced, an impairment is recognized in profit or loss. Long-term interests that, in substance, form part of the investor’s net investment in the entity are included in the statement of changes in equity.

Interim results, sales, expenses, income, receivables and liabilities between the consolidated companies, as well as pro rata profits and losses resulting from transactions with associates, are eliminated. For those consolidation entries affecting income, the income tax effect is taken into account and deferred taxes recognized.

Estimates and Assumptions Used in Acquisitions and Consolidation

Determining the fair values of the acquired assets and liabilities requires certain estimates and assumptions, especially concerning the acquired intangible assets and property, plant and equipment, as well as the liabilities assumed and the useful lives of the acquired intangible assets, property, plant and equipment.

Measurement is based to a large extent on anticipated cash inflows and outflows. If actual cash inflows and outflows vary from those used to calculate fair values, this may affect future Group net income.

For significant business combinations, the purchase price allocation is carried out with assistance from independent third-party valuation specialists. The valuations are based on information available at the acquisition date.

Discretionary decisions can be made whenever it is necessary to evaluate whether control, joint control or significant influence exists for entities in which WACKER holds less than 100 percent of the voting rights. Primarily in cases where WACKER holds 50 percent of the voting rights, it must be assessed whether there are additional contractual rights or, in particular, factual circumstances that could result in WACKER having the authority to make decisions regarding the potential subsidiary, or whether joint control exists.

Changes to the contractual agreements or factual circumstances are monitored and assessed in terms of their possible impact on the evaluation of whether control or joint control exists.