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Status of Goals for 2011/2012

Reduce accident rate (number of accidents with lost workdays per million hours worked) from 4.7 to 2.0 (referenced to 2012)
Corporate entity: Groupwide
Deadline: 2015
Implementation status: We made great progress toward reaching this goal in the period under review. Groupwide, there were 3.8 workplace accidents with days off work per million hours worked in 2013 – a drop of 19 percent compared to 2012. In 2014, the accident rate fell again – by 26 percent – to 2.8.

Introduction of safety performance indicator “Accidents Leading to Work Days Missed by Employees of Partner Companies”
Corporate entity: WACKER Germany
Deadline: 2014
Implementation status: The goal was surpassed. Since 2014, we have been registering accidents with work days missed involving employees of partner companies not only in Germany, but also groupwide. In 2014, there were 33 accidents with work days missed involving partner companies at Wacker Chemie AG sites around the world.


Reduce number of safety and environmentally relevant incidents per million hours worked by 10 percent (referenced to 2014)
Corporate entity: Groupwide
Deadline: 2015


In-Depth Hazard Analyses – Better Protection Plans
WACKER would like to deploy a more far-reaching method of reviewing and updating hazard analyses at all German sites by the end of 2016. The goal of the program is to improve the protection plans and measures for individual activities.

Focus Topic: Safe Handling of Chemicals
We have resolved to make a closer study in 2015 of injuries caused by hazardous substances. Our aim is to further enhance our protection plans.
