Executive Board

As of December 31, 2008


Dr. Rudolf Staudigl

President & CEO


Executive Personnel, Corporate Development, Corporate Communications, Investor Relations, Corporate Auditing, Legal & Insurance, Corporate R&D, Intellectual Property

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Siltronic AG**
Pensionskasse der Wacker Chemie VVaG
Member of the Supervisory Board/
Advisory Council

Groz-Beckert KG
Deutsche Bank AG
Chairman of the Bayerische Chemieverbände

Dr. Joachim Rauhut


Corporate Accounting, Corporate Controlling, Corporate Finance, Information Technology, Raw Materials Procurement, Technical Procurement & Logistics, Tax

Regions: Europe, NAFTA

Member of the Supervisory Board/
Advisory Council

J. Heinrich Kramer Holding GmbH
Siltronic AG**
Pensionskasse der Wacker Chemie VVaG

Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler

(from May 8, 2008)


Human Resources (Personnel Director)

Region: Asia/Pacific

Member of the Supervisory Board
Pensionskasse der Wacker Chemie VVaG
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Siltronic Samsung Wafer Pte. Ltd.***

Auguste Willems


Corporate Engineering, Sales & Distribution, Site Management, Corporate Security

Regions: Middle East, India, South America

Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker

(until May 8, 2008)

Member of the Supervisory Board/
Advisory Council

Giesecke & Devrient GmbH
INA-Holding Schaeffler KG
Member of the Governing Board
Bankhaus Reuschel & Co.

** Subsidiaries
*** Joint Ventures

With effect from January 1, 2009, Dr. Rudolf Staudigl will step down as member and Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Siltronic AG. Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler will take over as Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Siltronic AG on the same date.

Effective from May 8, 2008, the former Chairman of the Executive Board Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker resigned from Wacker Chemie AG’s Executive Board and took over the Chairmanship of the Supervisory Board of Wacker Chemie AG. At that time, the member of the Executive Board, Dr. Rudolf Staudigl was appointed as Chairman.

Until mid of 2008, Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker held the Chairmanships of the Supervisory Boards of both Siltronic AG and Pensionskasse der Wacker Chemie VVaG.
