IT Risks


Failure of IT systems or a major loss of key data could substantially impair WACKER’s operations. We use state-of-the-art hardware and software to prevent IT downtime and the loss or manipulation of data, as well as unauthorized access to our IT network. IT security and risk management is responsible for handling hazards in a cost-efficient way. This task is based on ISO Standard 27001. Using a risk analysis, we define our central systems’ requirements in terms of their availability, as well as the confidentiality and integrity of the data. The requirements are anchored in service level agreements (SLAs) that we conclude jointly with our divisions and corporate departments. Compliance therewith is continually monitored and controlled to immediately initiate countermeasures for disturbances.

We set – and exceeded – an availability goal for our central ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) of 99.5% for 2008. We primarily achieved this by having our systems designed with maximum availability and installing associated backup and recovery procedures. Moreover, we took appropriate steps to prepare for an emergency (Business Continuity Management).

We minimize project-related IT risks via a uniform project-management methodology. In doing so, we ensure that risks are identified early on and that changes flow into our system landscape in a controlled manner. We also check our systems at regular intervals (internal and external audits).

Due to the extensive integration of IT in all corporate processes, prolonged downtime of our central IT systems would have a major effect on Wacker Chemie AG’s financial position. However, thanks to our precautionary measures, we classify the probability of long-term downtime and the associated risks as being low.
