Training Facilities and Technical Centers for Construction-Sector Customers

To pass on 50 years of product-development experience, WACKER founded the VINNAPAS® ACADEMY in 2007 in Burghausen. Named after our key polymer binder, the academy provides training tailored to construction-sector distributors and customers. A further academy was opened in Beijing in 2007 and another academy opened its doors in Moscow in 2008. The various academies complement the service portfolio offered by our technical centers, which develop and test product formulations for each region’s construction industry. VINNAPAS® ACADEMIES will be extending their services to include information on silicone-based construction chemicals. In the future, our training facilities will be known as WACKER ACADEMIES.

Founded in 2003, the Moscow technical center was expanded in 2008 and fitted with new testing equipment and a second EIFS test wall. Different climatic conditions can be simulated on this wall. Aging and weathering processes are accelerated and the materials’ stability and effectiveness tested. The Beijing technical center was launched in April 2007. It boasts state-of-the-art lab facilities and a weathering test wall, too.
