Business Principles

WACKER plays an active role in the worldwide Responsible Care® initiative and strictly adheres, as a matter of course, to legal regulations and our own supplementary policy rules. These commitments form the basis of our business principles:

  • All our employees share the responsibility for quality, health, safety and environmental protection, as well as for ongoing improvements in these areas. This is achieved by regularly setting targets and ensuring that they are met.
  • Worldwide, we supply only superior products that can be distributed, used and disposed of safely and in an environmentally compatible way.
  • We continually expand our knowledge about our existing and new products, adjusting our health, safety and environmental protection measures to incorporate any new insights.
  • We guarantee the safe handling of products and residues in our manufacturing processes. We minimize resource consumption, emissions and waste.
  • Generally speaking, it is the responsibility of employees to look after their health. We can help them meet this goal by introducing measures and programs that promote, maintain and restore health.
  • We work to persuade our business associates to adopt our standards for quality, health, safety and environmental protection. We insist that all subcontractors working at WACKER locations adhere to our regulations.
  • Safety is a top priority at all our sites. We continually enhance workplace and plant safety, as well as health protection. We take proactive measures to eliminate potential risks and maintain an effective emergency response system.
  • We create and promote a climate of mutual trust through ongoing open dialog with our employees, customers and suppliers, as well as with our neighbors, the authorities and the general public.
  • We observe legal regulations. The relevant procedures to be followed and the way we set and implement our own supplementary standards are described in our Integrated Management System for quality, health, safety and environmental protection. This system is based on standards with worldwide validity and takes customer needs fully into account.
  • Basic and advanced training is an important tool for fostering our employees’ awareness of the importance of observing WACKER’s business principles.

Our commitments and business principles are an expression of what we value. Our corporate vision is to:

  • Be a preferred partner to our customers,
  • Create a pleasant working environment for our employees, and
  • Meet our responsibilities to society.