The Responsible Care® initiative was launched in 1985 by the chemical industry in Canada. Its aim was to secure continuous improvements to health, safety and environmental performance on a voluntary basis – independent of legal requirements. As time passed, more and more chemical companies and associations from around the world joined the initiative. Since its 1991 launch in Germany, some 800 companies have signed up nationwide. At WACKER, we committed ourselves right from the start.
We attach equal importance to economic and social goals. This explains our strong focus on environmental protection, plant process safety (for both employees and neighbors), work safety, and product safety (for customers and end users).

Our commitment to the Responsible Care® initiative extends to China. Dr. Peter von Zumbusch, managing director of WACKER Greater China, signed the declaration of membership in May 2008.
In 2006, the ICCA (International Council of Chemical Associations) launched its new Responsible Care® Global Charter at a UN-led international chemicals conference in Dubai. WACKER was one of the first companies in Germany to sign this revised voluntary commitment. The charter expands upon the Responsible Care® principles initially formulated in the mid-1980s. It takes account of the new challenges facing both the chemical sector and the global community – e.g. the widespread call for sustainable economic development, the safety aspects of using chemicals, and the need for greater industry transparency.
In May 2008, our WACKER Greater China subsidiary officially joined China’s Responsible Care® program. Along with other international chemical companies active in China (members of the Association of International Chemical Manufacturers), we agreed to continuously improve our safety, health and environmental performance and to engage in open dialog with the general public.