Incident Management

At WACKER, prevention strategies/measures form the basis of safety management. However, not all incidents can be prevented. With CLICS (the Closed Loop Incident Communication System), every incident relevant to safety, health and the environment is recorded promptly and groupwide. We require employees to document all incidents and near-misses on a special form and send it to a central email address. These reports are then evaluated and measures taken. Importantly, the information is also sent to corporate units with a similar hazard potential, so that other sites can benefit from any insights gained.

Every WACKER site has its emergency-response plan for regulating cooperation between internal and external emergency teams and the authorities. Once a year, our plant firefighters take part in a large-scale drill with the fire and rescue services of neighboring communities. The handling of this simulated emergency is subsequently analyzed to identify and eliminate any weak points.

TUIS: Accident Assistance

Since 1982, the German chemical sector’s Transport-Accident Information and Emergency-Response System (TUIS) has provided assistance in the event of chemical accidents. WACKER has participated in this network since the very beginning. Today, TUIS comprises some 130 member companies. Public services (such as fire departments, police and disaster control centers) can get advice per telephone and request experts and specialized equipment. TUIS is part of the German chemical industry’s contribution to the Responsible Care® initiative.

WACKER’s TUIS experts are available globally for accidents involving our products. In the period under review, our experts appraised transport routes in China according to TUIS principles. They examined traffic routing through residential districts to identify emergency-response potential.

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WACKER Firefighters’ Activities for TUIS










Stage 1 Expert advice by phone



Stage 2 Expert advice at accident scene



Stage 3 Technical assistance at accident scene





