GRI Content Index

The Sustainability Report 2015/2016 has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option.
102: General Disclosures 2016
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 102-1 |
Name of the organization |
GRI 102-2 |
Activities, brands, products, and services |
GRI 102-3 |
Location of headquarters |
GRI 102-4 |
Location of operations |
GRI 102-5 |
Ownership and legal form |
GRI 102-6 |
Markets served |
AR 2016: Our Business at a Glance |
GRI 102-7 |
Scale of the organization |
KPIs |
GRI 102-8 |
Information on employees and other workers |
GRI 102-9 |
Supply chain |
GRI 102-10 |
Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain |
Key Events 2015 – 2016 |
GRI 102-11 |
Precautionary principle or approach |
GRI 102-12 |
External initiatives |
GRI 102-13 |
Membership of associations |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 102-14 |
Statement from senior decision-maker |
GRI 102-15 |
Key impacts, risks, and opportunities |
Vision and Goals |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 102-16 |
Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior |
GRI 102-17 |
Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 102-18 |
Governance structure |
GRI 102-19 |
Delegating authority |
GRI 102-20 |
Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics |
GRI 102-22 |
Composition of the highest governance body and its committees |
Management and Supervision |
GRI 102-23 |
Chair of the highest governance body |
GRI 102-24 |
Nominating and selecting the highest governance body |
AR 2016: Corporate Governance Report and Declaration on Corporate Management |
GRI 102-25 |
Conflicts of interest |
AR 2016: Corporate Governance Report and Declaration on Corporate Management |
GRI 102-28 |
Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance |
GRI 102-30 |
Effectiveness of risk management processes |
GRI 102-35 |
Remuneration policies |
GRI 102-36 |
Process for determining remuneration |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 102-40 |
List of stakeholder groups |
GRI 102-41 |
Collective bargaining agreements |
GRI 102-42 |
Identifying and selecting stakeholders |
GRI 102-43 |
Approach to stakeholder engagement |
Communication with Stakeholders |
GRI 102-44 |
Key topics and concerns raised |
Communication with Stakeholders |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 102-45 |
Entities included in the consolidated financial statements |
GRI 102-46 |
Defining report content and topic boundaries |
GRI 102-47 |
List of material topics |
GRI 102-48 |
Restatements of information |
There were no restatements of information compared with the previous reporting period. |
GRI 102-49 |
Changes in reporting |
In 2016, Wacker Chemie AG conducted a materiality analysis for the first time. |
GRI 102-50 |
Reporting period |
GRI 102-51 |
Date of most recent report |
GRI 102-52 |
Reporting cycle |
GRI 102-53 |
Contact point for questions regarding the report |
GRI 102-54 |
Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI standards |
GRI 102-55 |
GRI content index |
GRI 102-56 |
External assurance |
The report’s content has not been reviewed by a third party. |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
AR 2016: Risk Management Structures and Tools |
GRI 201-1 |
Direct economic value generated and distributed |
Vision and Goals |
GRI 201-3 |
Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans |
Compensation and Social Benefits |
GRI 201-4 |
Financial assistance received from government |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
AR 2016: Strategy of the WACKER Group |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 202-2 |
Proportion of senior management hired from the local community |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 203-1 |
Infrastructure investments and services supported |
GRI 203-2 |
Significant indirect economic impacts |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 204-1 |
Proportion of spending on local suppliers |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 205-1 |
Operations assessed for risks related to corruption |
GRI 205-2 |
Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures |
GRI 205-3 |
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 206-1 |
Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 20X-1 |
Central risk areas |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 301-1 |
Materials used by weight or volume |
We currently do not report the weight or volume of the materials used, because the data are confidential. |
GRI 301-2 |
Recycled input materials used |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 302-1 |
Energy consumption within the organization |
GRI 302-4 |
Reduction of energy consumption |
GRI 302-5 |
Reductions in energy requirements of products and services |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 303-1 |
Water withdrawal by source |
GRI 303-2 |
Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water |
GRI 303-3 |
Water recycled and reused |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 304-1 |
Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas |
GRI 304-2 |
Significant impacts of activities, products, and services |
GRI 304-3 |
Habitats protected or restored |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 305-1 |
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions |
GRI 305-2 |
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions |
GRI 305-3 |
Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions |
GRI 305-5 |
Reduction of GHG emissions |
GRI 305-6 |
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) |
GRI 305-7 |
Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 306-1 |
Water discharge by quality and destination |
GRI 306-2 |
Waste by type and disposal method |
GRI 306-3 |
Significant spills |
GRI 306-4 |
Transport of hazardous waste |
GRI 306-5 |
Water bodies affected by water discharges and/or runoff |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 307-1 |
Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 308-1 |
New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria |
GRI 308-2 |
Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
Employment Structure |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
Employment Structure |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
Employment Structure |
GRI 401-1 |
New employee hires and employee turnover |
Employment Structure |
GRI 401-2 |
Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees |
GRI 401-3 |
Parental leave |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 402-1 |
Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
Workplace Safety |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
Workplace Safety |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
Workplace Safety |
GRI 403-2 |
Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities |
GRI 403-3 |
Workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation |
GRI 403-4 |
Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions |
In Germany, health and safety topics are subject to co-determination regulations. Therefore, employee representatives are included in the process of determining topics. All employees based at our German operations are represented, which corresponds to 70% of the company's workforce. |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
Advanced Training |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 404-1 |
Average hours of training per year per employee |
GRI 404-2 |
Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs |
Advanced Training |
GRI 404-3 |
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 405-1 |
Diversity of governance bodies and employees |
GRI 405-2 |
Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men |
Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 406-1 |
Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken |
We do not keep a log of discrimination cases. |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
Employee Representation |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
Employee Representation |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
Employee Representation |
GRI 407-1 |
Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk |
TfS Supplier Evaluation |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 408-1 |
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor |
TfS Supplier Evaluation |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 409-1 |
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor |
TfS Supplier Evaluation |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
Voluntary Commitments |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
Voluntary Commitments |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
Voluntary Commitments |
GRI 412-1 |
Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments |
GRI 412-2 |
Employee training on human rights policies or procedures |
Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 414-1 |
New suppliers that were screened using social criteria |
GRI 414-2 |
Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 415-1 |
Political contributions |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 416-1 |
Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories |
GRI 416-2 |
Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 418-1 |
Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data |
Indicator |
Link / Omission |
GRI 103-1 |
Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary |
GRI 103-2 |
Management approach: The management approach and its components |
GRI 103-3 |
Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach |
GRI 419-1 |
Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area |