GRI Indicators
1. Strategy and Analysis
Degree of Compliance |
Info |
1.1 |
Introduction by the CEO or Supervisory Board chairman |
1.2 |
Key sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities |
Goals and Future Topics |
2. Organizational Profile
Degree of Compliance |
Info |
2.1 |
Name of the organization |
2.2 |
Primary brands, products and services |
2.3 |
Business areas and operational structure |
2.4 |
Location of organization’s headquarters |
2.5 |
Countries in which the organization’s major operations are located |
2.6 |
Nature of ownership |
2.7 |
Markets |
Group Structure and Operations |
2.8 |
Scale of the reporting organization |
KPIs |
2.9 |
Significant changes during the reporting period |
Key Events 2013 – 2014 |
2.10 |
Awards received in the reporting period |
Dialogue with Stakeholders |
3. Report Parameters
Degree of Compliance |
Info |
Report Profile |
3.1 |
Reporting period |
3.2 |
Date of most recent previous report |
3.3 |
Reporting cycle |
3.4 |
Contact for questions regarding the report |
Report Scope and Limitations |
3.5 |
Process for defining report content |
3.6 |
Boundary of the report |
3.7 |
Limitations on the scope of the report |
3.8 |
Joint Ventures. Tochterunternehmen. Outsourcing |
3.9 |
Data measurement techniques |
Controlled Documents and Controlling Instruments |
3.10 |
Effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports |
3.11 |
Changes in the scope and boundary of the report or in the measurement methods applied |
3.12 |
GRI index in tabular form with page numbers |
3.13 |
Assurance: external assurance for the report |
This report has not been assured by external third parties. |
4. Governance, Commitments and Engagement
Degree of Compliance |
Info |
Governance |
4.1 |
Governance |
4.2 |
Independence of the Supervisory Board chairman |
4.3 |
Governance body and/or independent members of management |
4.4 |
Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations to the Executive Board or Supervisory Board |
Management and Supervision |
4.5 |
Linkage between Executive Board compensation and the organization’s performance |
4.6 |
Processes in place for the governance bodies to ensure avoidance of conflicts of interest |
Compliance |
4.7 |
Expertise of the governance bodies in sustainability issues |
Management Structures for Sustainability |
4.8 |
Mission statements, corporate values and codes of conduct |
Vision and Goals |
4.9 |
Procedures of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board for overseeing sustainability performance |
Management Structures for Sustainability |
4.10 |
Processes for evaluating the performance of the Executive Board |
Commitments to External Initiatives |
4.11 |
Implementation of the precautionary principle |
Voluntary Commitments |
4.12 |
Support of external initiatives |
Voluntary Commitments |
4.13 |
Principal memberships in industry and business associations |
Voluntary Commitments |
Stakeholder Engagement |
4.14 |
Stakeholder groups engaged by the organization |
4.15 |
Selection of stakeholders |
4.16 |
Approaches to stakeholder engagement (type/frequency) |
4.17 |
Statements on key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders |
5. Performance Indicators
Degree of Compliance |
Info |
Economic |
Management approach |
Aspect: Economic Performance |
EC1 |
Direct economic value generated and distributed |
KPIs |
EC2 |
Financial implications of climate change |
Environmental Protection Costs |
EC3 |
Company’s defined benefit plan obligations |
EC4 |
Financial assistance received from government |
Aspect: Market Presence |
EC6 |
Spending on locally-based suppliers |
EC7 |
Senior management hired from the local community |
Aspect: Indirect Economic Impacts |
EC8 |
Infrastructure investments and services provided for public benefit |
Environmental |
Management approach |
Goals & Outlook [Environmental Protection] |
Aspect: Materials |
EN1 |
Materials used by weight or volume |
EN2 |
Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials |
Aspect: Energy |
EN3 |
Direct energy consumption by primary energy sources |
EN4 |
Indirect energy consumption by primary source |
EN5 |
Energy savings |
EN6 |
Energy-efficient products and services |
Aspect: Water |
EN8 |
Total water withdrawal by source |
EN9 |
Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water |
EN10 |
Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused |
Aspect: Biodiversity |
EN11 |
Use of land in protected areas |
EN12 |
Significant impacts of activities in protected areas |
EN14 |
Strategies on protecting biodiversity |
Aspect: Emissions, Effluents, and Waste |
EN16 |
Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions |
EN17 |
Other relevant greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. caused by business trips) |
EN18 |
Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions |
Goals & Outlook [Environmental Protection] |
EN19 |
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight |
EN20 |
NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions by weight |
EN21 |
Water discharge |
EN22 |
Waste by type and disposal method |
EN23 |
Releases of hazardous substances by number and volume |
Aspect: Products and Services |
EN26 |
Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services |
EN27 |
Percentage of products and packaging that are reclaimed |
Aspect: Compliance |
EN28 |
Fines/sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
Aspect: Transport |
EN29 |
Environmental impacts of transporting |
Aspect: Overall |
EN30 |
Environmental protection expenditures |
Social Performance |
Labor Practices |
Management approach |
Goals & Outlook [Management] |
Aspect: Employment |
LA1 |
Total workforce by employment type and region |
LA2 |
Total employee turnover by age group, gender, and region |
LA3 |
Benefits provided to full-time employees only |
Aspect: Labor/Management Relations |
LA4 |
Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements |
LA5 |
Minimum notice period(s) regarding significant operational changes |
Headcount Trend |
Aspect: Occupational Health and Safety |
LA7 |
Injuries, absenteeism and work-related fatalities |
Workplace Accidents Involving Permanent Staff and Temporary Workers |
LA8 |
Risk control and programs with respect to serious diseases |
title |
Aspect: Training and Education |
LA10 |
Hours of training by employee category |
LA11 |
Skills management and lifelong learning |
LA12 |
Performance and career development reviews |
Aspect: Diversity and Equal Opportunity |
LA13 |
Composition of senior management and employee structure (e.g. age/gender/culture) |
2014 Demographic Analysis of German and International Sites |
LA14 |
Compensation by gender and employee category |
Human Rights |
Management approach |
Goals & Outlook [Management] |
Aspect: Investment and Procurement Practices |
HR1 |
Investment agreements that include human rights clauses or screening |
HR2 |
Percentage of suppliers that have undergone screening on human rights and actions taken |
Aspect: Non-Discrimination |
HR4 |
Incidents of discrimination and actions taken |
Aspect: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining |
HR5 |
Operations that may be at significant risk |
Aspect: Child Labor |
HR6 |
Operations with significant risk and measures taken |
Business Principles |
Aspect: Forced and Compulsory Labor |
HR7 |
Operations with significant risk and measures taken |
Business Principles |
Society |
Management approach |
Business Principles |
Aspect: Community |
SO1 |
Policy to manage impacts on local communities |
Aspect: Corruption |
SO2 |
Percentage and number of business units analyzed |
SO3 |
Percentage of employees trained in anti-corruption procedures |
SO4 |
Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption |
Aspect: Public Policy |
SO5 |
Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying |
SO6 |
Total value of financial contributions to political parties, politicians, etc. |
Aspect: Anti-Competitive Behavior |
SO7 |
Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior |
Aspect: Compliance |
SO8 |
Fines/sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations |
Product Responsibility (Product Stewardship) |
Management approach |
Goals & Outlook [Products] |
Aspect: Customer Health and Safety |
PR1 |
Product life cycle stages for which health and safety impacts are assessed |
Aspect: Product and Service Labeling |
PR3 |
Principles/procedures related to product and service information |
PR5 |
Customer satisfaction |
Aspect: Marketing Communications |
PR6 |
Programs for adherence to laws and voluntary codes related to marketing communications |
Aspect: Compliance |
PR9 |
Significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the use of products and services |
C |
C+ |
B |
B+ |
A |
A+ |
Self Declared |
Third Party Checked |
GRI Approved |
This indicator is fully complied with.
This indicator is partially complied with.
Annual Report 2014
Additional indicators are printed in gray.
Every single core indicator is presented. Gaps in numeration need to be attributed to the fact that only relevant additional indicators are presented in the index.