Our legal structure has not changed compared to the previous year. In November 2005, WACKER became a stock corporation (AG) under German law. Headquartered in Munich, Wacker Chemie AG holds a direct or indirect stake in 56 companies belonging to the WACKER Group. Our financial statements include 50 companies that have been fully consolidated and five accounted for using the equity method. One small company that is not part of our core operations has not been consolidated. Since September 30, 2011, a special-purpose entity – in the shape of a special fund – has been included in the scope of consolidation for the first time. Refer to the Notes for further information on this fund
Five Operating Divisions
WACKER is based on a matrix organization with clearly defined functions. The Group has five business divisions, which have global responsibility for their own products, manufacturing facilities, markets, customers and results. Regional organizations are responsible for all business activities in their areas. WACKER’s corporate departments primarily provide services for the whole Group, although some also have production-related functions.