Donations and Sponsorship
![Donations (Grafik)](../pics/img/info_spenden_en.png)
Companies can only enjoy economic success if they are trusted by society, which is why we take our social responsibilities seriously, especially in communities near our sites. Training young people in the natural sciences is especially important to us, because we will need dedicated scientists and engineers if we are to remain competitive. Charitable and outreach projects to help children and young people represent another pillar of our social commitment, while the WACKER relief fund (WACKER HILFSFONDS) provides support to victims of natural disasters and helps rebuild devastated regions. As part of our social commitment, we seek enduring partnerships, focusing our investments preferably on long-term projects.
Download XLS |
€ thousand |
2014 |
2013 |
2012 |
Donations |
851 |
925 |
891 |
Of which political donations |
3 |
6 |
3 |
Sponsorships |
3,339 |
964 |
1,135 |
Total |
4,190 |
1,889 |
2,026 |
Share of sales (%) |
0.09 |
0.04 |
0.04 |
WACKER’s Donations and Sponsorships – 2014
![WACKER’s Donations and Sponsorships – 2014 (Tortendiagramm)](../pics/img/gesellschaft_02a_en.png)
WACKER’s Donations and Sponsorships – 2013
![WACKER’s Donations and Sponsorships – 2013 (Tortendiagramm)](../pics/img/gesellschaft_02b_en.png)
We donated roughly €925,000 in 2013, over half of which went to the SV Wacker Burghausen athletic association (which supports popular sports) and to WACKER’s relief fund (WACKER HILFSFONDS). In 2014, our donations came to roughly €851,000, with €3,000 of this going to political institutions (2013: €6,000).
Our sponsorship activities focus on education, science and the SV Wacker Burghausen professional soccer team. Sponsorship expenses came to roughly €964,000 in 2013 and €3.3 million in 2014. This increase is due largely to having extended sponsorship of the Institute of Silicon Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich (see Universities).
WACKER Supports Training Program for the Long-Term Unemployed
![Executive Board member Dr. Tobias Ohler presenting a check (Foto)](../pics/img/gesellschaft_03a.jpg)
Executive Board member Dr. Tobias Ohler presented a check for €10,000 to Johanna Schilling, managing director of Weisser Rabe.
Long-term unemployed and sick – so no chance of a job? Not where Weisser Rabe is concerned: the Caritas affiliate gives unemployed people with disabilities a new chance to determine their own lives. The organization has set up two new vocational training programs for production and warehouse helpers at its Munich recycling business. WACKER Executive Board member Dr. Tobias Ohler presented Weisser Rabe with a €10,000 donation check in 2013.
WACKER has already had positive experiences with this Munich recycling business, which is where the Consortium, the Group’s central R&D facility, disposes of its old electrical equipment. At its 11 businesses in Munich and Rosenheim, Weisser Rabe delivers vocational training to some 400 long-term unemployed people who, for the most part, have physical or mental problems. “If we can give the people here a perspective through new training opportunities, we will be really delighted,” said Dr. Ohler.
Taxes represent a significant way in which WACKER contributes to society, with €184.7 million in current taxes going to governments throughout the world in 2014 (2013: €37.9 million). For many years, WACKER has been the largest business taxpayer in Burghausen and Nünchritz, the locations of our two biggest German sites.
In addition to WACKER’s corporate taxes, governments also receive the personal taxes and social-security contributions paid by our employees.