Sales and Marketing

Demand for WACKER’s products was strong in 2017, and we actually sold out of some of our products, especially in the segment.

WACKER’s business falls into three distinct customer groups: global key accounts, customers and distributors. The company currently has around 40 global key accounts, with which we generated roughly 25 percent of our 2017 revenue in the chemical divisions. 55 percent of our revenue originated from some further 8,000 active customer relationships. Around 20 percent came from distributors, with the 50 most important distributors accounting for about 65 percent of all distribution revenue.

Marketing communications is a key element in strengthening WACKER’s branding and product advertising, and effectively promoting sales of our products. In 2017, we spent €17.0 million (2016: €14.8 million) on marketing communications.

Breakdown of Marketing Costs

Breakdown of Marketing Costs (pie chart)

Attendance at 91 Tradeshows Worldwide

In 2017, WACKER’s international tradeshow presence increased once again, with the company exhibiting at a total of 91 tradeshows (2016: 71). We regularly analyze the qualitative and quantitative success of our tradeshow communications, and 35 shows were reviewed in 2017 alone.


Tradeshows (pie chart)
General term used to describe compounds of organic molecules and silicon. According to their areas of application, silicones can be classified as fluids, resins or rubber grades. Silicones are characterized by a myriad of outstanding properties. Typical areas of application include construction, the electrical and electronics industries, shipping and transportation, textiles and paper coatings.