Research and Development

WACKER’s research and development follows three goals. We search for solutions to our customers’ needs to contribute to their market success. We continually optimize our processes in order to be the technology leader and to be sustainably profitable. With our third goal, we concentrate on creating innovative products and applications for new markets and on serving future trends, such as increasing energy requirements, urbanization, digitization and demographic change.

WACKER ranks among the world’s most research-intensive chemical companies. R&D expenditures in 2011 came in at €172.9 million (2010: €165.1 million). The R&D rate – research and development spending as a percentage of Group sales – was 3.5 percent, thus meeting last year’s figure.

New Products Account for Higher Share of Sales

The new-product rate (sales percentage of products launched in the last five years) grew again, at 24.0 percent (2010: 23.6 percent). The increase stemmed mainly from new specifications for silicon, such as new particle sizes for solar applications and from launching production of 300 mm wafers, which are suitable for 22 nanometer design rules.

Sales Percentage of New Products1 Sales Percentage of New Products1 (bar chart)

1 Sales percentage of products launched in the last five years

We generated about €6.7 million from licensing agreements in 2011 (2010: €7.5 million). WACKER’s innovative strength is reflected in the number of patents held and patent applications submitted. In 2011, we filed 138 patent applications (2010: 121). Our portfolio contains about 5,000 active patents and 2,900 patent applications currently pending.

Licensing Income Licensing Income (bar chart)

In 2011, WACKER invested €17.3 million in R&D facilities (2010: €13.4 million). As in the prior year, that is 1.8 percent of our total investments. We completed a new laboratory building at our Munich-based corporate research facility, the “Consortium für elektrochemische Industrie.” We started construction of a new laboratory building for WACKER SILICONES and Corporate Analytics at our Burghausen site. Additional investments were made in electrochemical test rigs and in pilot plants for new or optimized processes.

Investment in R&D Facilities Investment in R&D Facilities (bar chart)
Breakdown of R&D Expenditures in 2011 Breakdown of R&D Expenditures in 2011 (pie chart)

Most of the €172.9 million in R&D costs was spent on the development of new products and production processes. We acquired only a small amount of R&D expertise from third parties in 2011.

Since 2011, externally-funded research projects have been coordinated by our Funding Management unit. The new unit reviews subsidy programs and presents participating options for a decision. Some of our current research projects were subsidized by government grants. Here are a few examples:

  • Siltronic AG is a member of the EEMI450 project (European Equipment & Materials Initiative for 450 mm) sponsored by the EU. It will receive funding of about €1 million over a 21-month period until February 2012.
  • In Germany’s joint SPINEL project (aimed at boosting the energy efficiency of photovoltaic and electronic applications through innovative electronics-grade base material), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is subsidizing a Siltronic subproject.
  • We are researching electrode materials for lithium-sulfur batteries for the LiSSi project sponsored by the BMBF. We are developing such fourth-generation high-capacity lithium-ion batteries jointly with project partners for electric mobility applications.
  • WACKER is working on two subprojects within the integrated Carbon Capture, Conversion, and Cycling (iC4) project funded by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The first subproject focuses on the separation and cleaning of CO2 in order to prepare it for additional use. In the second subproject, we are researching catalysts for converting CO2 into hydrocarbons.
R&D Costs R&D Costs (bar chart)

Research and Development at Two Levels

Strategic Collaboration with Customers and Research Institutes

Research Work at WACKER

WACKER Wins Best Innovator Award

Selected Corporate R&D Research Topics

Selected Divisional Research Projects

Transferring Knowledge Locally

Key Product Launches in 2011