Performance of WACKER Stock Compared with DAX and MDAX
WACKER Share Performance (indexed to 100)1

1 100 = € 49.65 (closing price on Dec. 28, 2012)
Facts & Figures on Wacker Chemie AG’s Stock
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€ |
Year-high (on Dec. 27, 2013) |
82.01 |
Year-low (on April 18, 2013) |
50.66 |
Year-end closing price (on Dec. 28, 2012) |
49.65 |
Year-end closing price (on Dec. 30, 2013) |
80.38 |
Performance for the year (without dividend) (%) |
61.9 |
Year-end market capitalization (shares outstanding; prior year: 2.5) (billion) |
4.0 |
Average daily trading volume1 (prior year: 15.9) (million) |
12.2 |
Earnings per share (prior year: 2.27) |
0.05 |
Dividend per share (proposal) |
0.50 |
Dividend yield2 (%) |
0.8 |
Germany’s DAX and MDAX equity indices gained 2 percent and 12 percent, respectively, in the first three months of 2013. WACKER stock increased by 12 percent during the same period. It started the year at € 50.86 (closing price on Jan. 2, 2013) and closed the first quarter at € 55.83. In the second quarter, the DAX grew by 2 percent and the MDAX by 3 percent. Over the same period, WACKER stock went up by 4 percent, climbing from € 55.83 (closing price on March 30, 2013) to € 57.82 (closing price on June 28, 2013). Germany’s DAX and MDAX developed very positively until the end of the third quarter. The DAX climbed about 8 percent from July through September to stand at over 8,500 points at the end of September 2013. During the same period, the MDAX gained 10 percent, moving from 13,800 points at the quarter’s start to 15,000 points at its close. WACKER’s share price clearly outperformed these indices, climbing by 26 percent. In early July, the stock entered Q3 at a price of € 57.82 (closing price on June 28, 2013) and ended the quarter at € 72.95 (closing price on Sept. 30, 2013). During the fourth quarter, the DAX and MDAX continued to perform positively. On October 29, the DAX crossed the 9,000-point threshold for the first time. The DAX and MDAX closed Q4 2013 with gains of 11 percent and 10 percent, respectively. For full-year 2013, the DAX rose 25 percent and the MDAX 39 percent. WACKER stock closed at € 80.38 on December 30, its value up 10 percent in the fourth quarter. Overall, the stock gained 62 percent last year.