Sales reported under “Other” totaled €162.6 million in 2016 (2015: €197.5 million). That was 17.7 percent less than a year earlier. The mild winter of 2015 /2016 weighed on the salt business.
“Other” EBITDA amounted to €10.2 million in the year under review (2015: € –8.9 million), with lower currency-hedging costs having a positive influence. “Other” EBIT amounted to € –76.0 million (2015: € –94.5 million).
As of December 31, 2016, the “Other” segment had 4,398 employees (December 31, 2015: 4,400). This segment at WACKER covers, for example, the management and employees of the infrastructure units at the Burghausen and Nünchritz sites as well as corporate functions.
Divisional Shares in External Sales