Annual Report 2024

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In 2024, sales reported under “Other” totaled €144.0 million (2023: €162.4 million), down 11.3 percent.

Divisional shares in external sales

Divisional Shares in External Sales (pie chart)

“Other” EBITDA amounted to €-6.6 million in the reporting year (2023: €7.5 million). This decrease was mainly due to the reduction in income from the stake in Siltronic AG.

“Other” EBIT came in at €-101.4 million (2023: €-82.4 million).

As of December 31, 2024, “Other” had 5,218 employees (Dec. 31, 2023: 5,203). This figure includes the site management and employees of the infrastructure units in Burghausen and Nünchritz, and the Group’s corporate departments.