Annual Report 2024

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Creating tomorrow’s solutions

Material Impacts, Risks and Opportunities

The following is a description of WACKER’s material impacts on people and the environment in terms of water and marine resources and their connection with the business model, value chain, strategy and decision-making. No material risks or opportunities were identified. Please refer to the ESRS E2 – Pollution section for information on emissions to water.

Material impacts

Water consumption, water withdrawal and water backflow

Water plays a material role in our chemical production processes. Water withdrawal, water consumption and water backflow can impact the availability and quality of water as a resource in bodies of surface water, groundwater and seawater.

WACKER uses water as a resource for cooling, purification and as part of its product formulations. As a result, WACKER influences the availability and quality of water as a resource at its global production sites. This also applies to other companies along our value chain.

We strive to manage our water withdrawal, water consumption and water backflow in a manner that minimizes the adverse impacts on water as a resource and as a result on people, nature and the environment.