Annual Report 2024

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Creating tomorrow’s solutions

Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity

Material impacts, risks and opportunities

A globalized and interconnected working environment makes diversity, inclusion and tolerance more important than ever. WACKER is an advocate of equal opportunity for men and women. Because of historical role distribution, women are not adequately represented across our various management levels. As a result, we seek to increase the proportion of women in management positions.


For us, equal opportunity goes beyond the context of pay and applies to training and development of expertise, as well. Equal opportunities for all employees and needs-driven development programs are important to us. Our policy includes actions to promote an inclusive working environment and support equal opportunity; these actions are intended to positively impact our employees.

We aim to create an open-minded work environment where every employee can contribute to the company’s success. This makes it all the more important to be represented in all regions of the world and focus strategically on German skilled workers and on those in other regions. We fulfill the legal requirements for the number of employees with disabilities and the targets set for women in management positions. The Head of HR Talent and Skill Development is responsible for implementation of our diversity strategy. Various Group directives govern recruitment, personnel development and compensation. WACKER is a member of Germany’s Diversity Charter initiative. In 2024, we joined the nationwide “Made in Germany – Made by Vielfalt (Diversity)” campaign.


Raising awareness and including vulnerable groups

In order to raise awareness among all employees and encourage exchanges between managers and employees, we organize a global week of diversity every year. We hold global discussions about the progress toward achieving our Group targets and enable employees to give us feedback. We take the prospects of potentially disadvantaged employee groups into account by liaising with various representatives such as regional diversity committees, disability liaison officers and apprentice representatives. Our workplace integration management system helps employees to get back into day-to-day working life after a prolonged absence.

What is more, WACKER offers leadership workshops to raise awareness among managers. These workshops focus on issues such as building confidence, promoting diversity and inclusion as well as developing talent.

We hire new employees based on their qualifications, performance, potential and personality, regardless of age, origin, impairments, religion, worldview, sexual orientation or gender identity (LGBTQI+). Our job advertisements are worded openly and use gender-sensitive language. We promote the inclusion of employees with disabilities, with an equivalent status or with health restrictions.

Diversity committees in various regions encourage awareness and support communication of the issues with groupwide activities to promote diversity such as information booths and online events. We encourage the use of gender-sensitive language with a reference guide for suitable German terms available on our intranet. Our Women’s Circle raises awareness of diversity issues and offers a platform for exchanges. A mentoring circle known as “By Women for Women” encourages personal advancement of female employees. In addition, WACKER participates in the Munich Cross-Mentoring program. All employees at German sites must familiarize themselves with Germany’s General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) by completing an e-learning course every five years.

Any discrimination can be reported via our whistleblower system.


Group target: 33 percent women in management positions

WACKER has set itself the voluntary global target of bringing more women into management positions and, as a result, promoting equal opportunity. The idea is for one in three management positions in the WACKER Group to be held by a woman by 2030. Alongside the mandatory disclosure on “Gender distribution at the two top management levels below the Executive Board”, we also track the proportion of women in “positions with global and/or strategic responsibility” and, in Germany, those classed as ‘leitende Angestellte’ (management employees).

Group target: 33 percent women in management positions















Management positions held by women (%)







23.1 percent of management positions were held by women in the reporting year, up year over year (2023: 20.5 percent).

The relevant statutory requirements for equal participation of women in management in Germany are met too.

The Executive Board of Wacker Chemie AG, for example, has one female and three male members. Wacker Chemie AG has also set itself the target of having 25 percent women at the first and second levels of management below the Executive Board by 2026.

Diversity metrics

Demography/age distribution

Age distribution













Percentage of employees <30 years





Percentage of employees aged between 30 and 50





Percentage of employees >50 years





Gender distribution at the two top management levels below the Executive Board











Top management





in %