Annual Report 2024

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Proportion of Taxonomy-Eligible Sales

We assessed the sales figures in the statement of income for each Group company to determine whether, by means of taxonomy-eligible economic activities under Annexes I-V of corresponding Commission Delegated Regulations (EU) 2021/2139, 2022/1214, 2023/2485, 2023/2486, 2023/3850 and 2023/3851 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2020/852, they make a substantial contribution to the environmental objectives, and allocated the relevant proportions of sales to the taxonomy-eligible economic activities.

The sales KPI (in the sense of turnover KPI as per Regulation (EU) 2021/2178) required by the EU Taxonomy Regulation is the proportion of sales from taxonomy-eligible economic activities in relation to total sales in 2024. Taxonomy-eligible sales under Annex 1 (“Substantial contribution to climate change mitigation”) can be categorized in particular as the “Manufacture of plastics in primary form” at our Polymers, Silicones and Biosolutions business divisions. A small proportion of sales under Annex 3 (“Substantial contribution to pollution prevention and control”) is obtained with regard to the “Manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients,” with this share of sales being allocated to our Biosolutions and Silicones business divisions.

Currently, a large number of upstream products are not covered by the EU Taxonomy Regulation. In particular, in this reporting period, too, the EU Taxonomy Regulation does not cover the hyperpure polysilicon produced by our Polysilicon business division. This grade of polysilicon is a fundamental building block for highly efficient solar cells and thus a raw material that plays a vital role in the energy transition.

Consolidated statement of income