Carolyn Ng
Carolyn Ng
Cancer is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. Together with colleagues, Carolyn therefore supports the Singapore Cancer Society. For example, the team packs bags of basic foodstuffs for the holidays and delivers them to the homes of cancer patients from low-income families. “This also allows us to talk directly to the patients, get to know their living conditions and find out if they need further help,” says Carolyn. “We then inform the Cancer Society in order to further improve support services.” For Carolyn, a passionate commitment to the community is a natural part of her job as communications manager. Against this backdrop, she also heads WACKER’s Social Responsibility Committee in Singapore.
Communications Manager, Singapore
Cancer aid

Lisa Mantooth
Lisa Mantooth
Lisa is involved in many ways in her local community in Cleveland. About 20 years ago, she joined a project coordinated by Habitat for Humanity for the first time. She actively helped to build a home for a couple who were both confined to a wheelchair. This project not only brought to her attention the need for affordable housing, but also housing that was equipped for people with disabilities. “I had the feeling that I could make a difference for the people in my community together with others,” says Lisa. “Regardless of whether it is a Habitat for Humanity initiative or other projects such as working with students in schools. It brings me joy to see how we as a WACKER team are committed to issues that are close to our hearts, even outside of work. This also strengthens WACKER’s connection to the local community.”
Community Relations und Communications Manager, Charleston, USA
Local commitment

Ying Wu
Ying Wu
“A child, a teacher, a pen and a book can change the world,” is a quote from Malala Yousafzai, the youngest winner in the history of the Nobel Peace Prize. Ying, too, is also convinced of this. She is involved in WACKER Help, the Chinese subsidiary’s charity organization. She has launched an educational program in which employees at WACKER’s Zhangjiagang site teach students at a local elementary school. Since the beginning of 2023, Ying and her colleagues have held a number of lessons at the school. “We want to get students excited about scientific topics and ignite their passion for them,” explains Ying. “One of the ways we achieve this is through interactive laboratory experiments and the practical presentation of complex topics such as the greenhouse effect.”
Supply Chain Manager, Zhangjiagang, China
Science education

Mirko Kappelhoff
Mirko Kappelhoff
In addition to his work at WACKER, Mirko is chair of the WACKER Relief Fund that supports victims of natural disasters in Germany and other parts of the world. “We focus primarily on educational projects and helping people to help themselves,” Mirko explains. For example, the WACKER Relief Fund has contributed to the reconstruction of schools following earthquakes in China, Haiti, Nepal and Pakistan, and has been active during wars and after floods. For Mirko, it is important to also go to the sites in person to get an overall idea of the situation. He recently inaugurated a solar-powered water kiosk in Togo – with a lasting impact on health and climate protection. He also visited a cooperation project in Kosgoda, Sri Lanka, where the WACKER Relief Fund has been supporting a school for two decades. “These on-site visits are extremely valuable because they also ensure that our donations are well received,” Mirko says.
Lawyer, Munich, Germany
WACKER Relief Fund (WACKER Hilfsfonds)

Jeffrey Maylas
Jeffrey Maylas
Jeffrey is experiencing the effects of climate change first hand in the Philippines: typhoons are occurring more frequently and flooding is increasing. Another problem is the increasing amount of plastic waste that clogs waterways and is washed ashore after a typhoon. In 2019, Jeffrey and his teammates therefore decided to join the international Coastal Cleanup initiative. Together, they remove waste along the coast and meticulously record the type and quantity for further analysis. “We want to lend a hand in our local community and help reduce pollution,” says Jeffrey, explaining his motivation. “At the same time, we hope that the data we collect will also contribute to research into marine pollution and waste management worldwide.”
Market Development Manager, Manila, Philippines
Coastal cleanup

Carolin Werner
Carolin Werner
Since the devastating wildfires in eastern Germany in the summer of 2022, Carolin has been volunteering for the Technical Relief Service (THW), Germany’s civil protection and disaster response organization. “I couldn’t just stand by and watch, I wanted to help too,” says Carolin. After six months of basic training, she is now working in emergency repairs and emergency supply. In this role, she helps wherever needed in the event of a disaster: setting up tents for the emergency services, ensuring the fuel supply and operating pumps. At the same time, she supports the youth work of the organization’s local chapter. “It’s worth leaving your comfort zone, taking responsibility and being there for others,” Carolin remarks. “Above all, I personally appreciate the feeling of togetherness and the close contact with other volunteers.”
Chemical technician at the polymer plant, Nünchritz, Germany
Disaster aid

Joon-Beom Ahn
Joon-Beom Ahn
A key experience spurred Joon-Beom into action: a mass panic during the Halloween celebrations in Seoul in 2022. Many people lost their lives in the crush and many were injured. Together with friends, Joon-Beom then joined the volunteer fire department in his community. Late in the evening, he checks critical locations where fires could break out or heavy rainfall could cause flooding. Joon-Beom is also involved in accident prevention, trains children in first aid and is active as a lifeguard. “There are so many ways in which each individual can contribute to greater safety,” he says. “I don’t see my various volunteering efforts as a burden at all, but rather as a personal enrichment by making a contribution to the community.”
Sales and Marketing Manager, Seoul, South Korea
Volunteer fire department

Magno Andrade
Magno Andrade
Magno has always had a soft spot for the English language. Even as a schoolboy he helped his classmates in Brazil with their English. He later found out about volunteering as an English teacher through a chance contact on LinkedIn. After the selection process, he started work two years ago. Magno mainly teaches young people from low-income backgrounds who come from state schools and cannot afford the cost of an English course. “It’s fascinating to see how the students develop over time and the progress they make,” says Magno. “It is also particularly motivating for me to feel the positive impact of this project on the pupils’ lives and ultimately their gratitude. This also spurs me on to continuously develop my skills as a teacher.”
Maintenance Manager, São Paulo, Brazil
Working with students in schools