Political Influence and Lobbying Activities
Through our lobbying activities, we exert political influence in Europe, the USA and China. WACKER is a member of business associations including the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. WACKER also supports the rapid expansion of renewable energy to enable the transition toward net zero and competitive electricity prices. The latter in particular are necessary to ensure the industry’s competitiveness in the long term.
In Germany and elsewhere in Europe, WACKER is committed to a sustainable energy policy and creation of a regulatory framework that supports these objectives. We are also committed to reducing red tape and strengthening sustainability issues. In addition, we advocate fair global trade, ideally without trade barriers. In the USA, we are focusing on strengthening the polysilicon business, as well as on trade and tariff-related issues.
Our Lobbying function falls under the responsibility of the full Executive Board. Within our Group organization, it is Wacker Chemie AG’s Legal and Compliance department that is responsible and reports to the president and CEO. In Europe, two Legal and Compliance department employees in Berlin and Brussels, respectively, are responsible for our lobbying. In the USA and China, these activities are conducted by local organizational units led by the central Legal and Compliance department.
The CEO actively participates in public debate in the form of interviews, appearances at symposiums, and statements that we publish on our website.
In the year under review, WACKER did not make any material donation payments.
Registrations in transparency registers
WACKER is on the German Bundestag’s lobby register under registration number R0011803, in the Austrian Lobbying and Interest Representation register under register number LIVR-00311 and in the EU Transparency Register under registration number 036915715533-64.