

All WACKER sites have access to qualified health services. Managerial staff and employees responsible for occupational health issues receive special training
Corporate entity: Groupwide
Deadline: 2015
Implementation status: Some 90 percent of our locations now have access to a health service. We have started an international pilot project for training employees in occupational health.

Set up five strategic health programs: back health, cardiovascular health, psychological health, ergonomics, disability management (dealing with employees with occupational disabilities)
Corporate entity: Germany
Deadline: 2015
Implementation status: We have defined the basic elements of the occupational-health programs: information on health topics, medical checkups for all employees, special advice for employees with risk factors, and targeted intervention for employees with limited performance capability (e.g. due to rehabilitation measures). These are scheduled for introduction across German sites by the end of 2013.


Introduction of new health performance indicators:

  • Annual influenza inoculation of at least 20 percent of the Group workforce
  • Occupational diseases that have a short latency period (number of new cases)
  • First aid/rescue chain: at least one medical emergency drill per production site per year; effective first aid within three minutes
  • Completion of all scheduled occupational-health checkups on the basis of occupational hazard analyses
  • Each site to participate in Group campaigns on health promotion (in 2013: "Follow your heart")

Corporate entity: Groupwide
Deadline: 2013

Introduction of a groupwide talent-management system to foster employees of high potential, and filling of key positions
Corporate entity: Groupwide
Deadline: 2014


Talent Management

WACKER is developing an IT-supported, systematic, groupwide talent-management system. The goal is to identify or recruit internal or external candidates suitable for filling key positions and meeting challenging tasks and to selectively foster these candidates.

Preventive Healthcare for Shift Workers

In 2013, WACKER launched another preventive healthcare project in partnership with the South German branch of the country’s statutory retirement plan (Deutsche Rentenversicherung Süd) with a view to counteracting demographic trends. The “Fit during Shift Work” pilot program teaches employees exercises that enable them to better cope with the stress of shift work. This program, which is being piloted in the Burghausen plant, comprises the following measures:

  1. One week’s training in a contractual clinic
  2. Three months’ supervised outpatient training on site
  3. Six months’ autonomous training 
  4. Two-day refresher course and assessment in the contractual clinic

The effectiveness of these measures will be assessed after six months.