Management Structures for Sustainability

Wacker Chemie AG’s four-member Executive Board oversees the Group’s strategies, resources, infrastructure and organizational structure. President and CEO Dr. Rudolf Staudigl heads the Board. Other members are Dr. Joachim Rauhut and Auguste Willems, who is responsible for sustainability. Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler left the company on December 31, 2012. The Supervisory Board of Wacker Chemie AG appointed Dr. Tobias Ohler to the Executive Board, effective January 1, 2013.

An Executive Board Meeting is WACKER’s highest decision-making authority. Below the Executive Board, there are various committees whose membership spans several organizational sectors and legal entities. These committees ensure that corporate strategies are implemented groupwide.

Coordinating Sustainability at WACKER








Committees / Meetings with Specific Executive Board Members








Meeting of Entire Executive Board








Corporate Strategy Committee








Corporate EHS1 Meeting


EHS Strategy Meeting


HR2 Strategy Meeting


Health Promotion Steering Committee








Group Innovation Meeting


R&D3 Projects Conference


Supply Chain Conference




















Corporate Sustainability


Human Resources


Group Compliance Officer


Regional Compliance Officers








Corporate R&D


Executive Personnel


Group Coordinator for the Environment


Group Coordinator for Health












Group Coordinator for Safety


Group Coordinator for Product Safety












Group Coordinator for Hazardous Goods


Group Coordinator for Export Controls








1 Environment, Health, Safety
2 Human Resources
3 Research & Development
4 Integrated Management System


Legal Officers and Representatives


Divisional Sustainability Representatives






IMS4 Coordinators


Divisional R&D

The Corporate Strategy Committee (KUS), for example, deliberates on strategically important processes, potential market or competitor developments, and key special topics not directly related to daily operations. The committee comprises the entire Executive Board, business-division presidents and corporate-department heads.

The main committees for environment, health, safety and product safety are the annual Corporate Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Meetings and EHS Strategy Meetings, led by the Executive Board member responsible for EHS & PS. Personnel policies are dealt with monthly by the HR Strategy Group while employee health is addressed once a year by the Health Promotion Steering Committee – both are chaired by WACKER’s personnel director. The Supply Chain Conference focuses on the Group’s productivity projects and goals and is led by the Executive Board member responsible for Corporate Engineering. The Group Innovation Meeting and the R&D Projects Conference cover innovation strategies and projects.

Once a year, environmental, health and safety officers meet for an international EHS & PS Conference. Here, participants exchange experiences and discuss sustainability-related topics that apply groupwide. In 2012, we hosted an international conference for HR managers. The main focus was on the challenges that the internationalization of the company poses for HR. The next international HR meeting is scheduled for 2014.

Our company has been expanding globally for years. We acquire and set up new sites and expand existing ones. We adjust our sustainability management activities accordingly. In 2011, we established an internal Corporate Sustainability department. It guides the implementation of WACKER’s voluntary commitments under Responsible Care® and the Global Compact and coordinates our sustainability activities worldwide.