Annual Report 2022

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Annual Report 2022 – section/note


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Oversight of the Supervisory Board regarding climate-related risks and opportunities



Corporate management disclosure of climate-related risks and opportunities


Role of the Executive Board and senior executives in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities












Short-, medium- and long-term climate-related risks and opportunities for the company



Disclosure of actual and potential effects of climate-related risks and opportunities on strategy, business operations and financial planning


Effects of climate-related risks and opportunities on strategy, business operations and financial planning




Resilience of the company’s strategy in the face of different climate scenarios (including a 2° C increase or more ambitious scenarios)










Risk management


Processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks



Disclosure of processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks


Processes for managing climate-related risks




How processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the general risk management process










KPIs and goals


KPIs for assessing climate-related risks and opportunities in accordance with the risk management strategy/processes



Disclosure of KPIs and goals for assessing climate-related risks and opportunities


Scope-1, Scope-2 and Scope-3 greenhouse gas emissions and related risks




Goals for managing climate-related risks and opportunities, including level of goal achievement