Annual Report 2023

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Creating tomorrow’s solutions

Preventing Corruption and Bribery

We explicitly commit ourselves to the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles. They include the principles on labor standards, namely upholding the freedom of association (Principle 3), eliminating all forms of forced labor (Principle 4), abolishing child labor (Principle 5) and eliminating discrimination (Principle 6). We also make commitments to our customers to uphold these same labor standards. The sanctions we impose for any proven misconduct in personnel matters are determined by the seriousness of the incident. There were no incidents of note in the reporting year.

Corruption and bribery have no place in our business model. Our principles on this are contained in our Code of Conduct and all WACKER employees are required to follow them. The Chief Compliance Officer reports directly to the president and CEO on compliance issues. The full Executive Board is informed on a quarterly basis of any relevant compliance issues in the Group. In urgent cases, the Executive Board is informed immediately. One principal objective is to avoid exposing either the company or its Executive Board or Supervisory Board to liability risk.

Compliance training raises employees’ awareness of the relevant risks and informs them of rules of conduct applicable to their daily work. It is compulsory for all WACKER Group employees. Whistleblower hotlines provide a means for employees and business partners to report any breaches anonymously.

According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), WACKER generates more than half of its sales in countries with lower risk of corruption (CPI ≥ 60).

Corruption and Bribery Incidents





























Number of organizational units examined for corruption/bribery risks







Percentage of legal entities examined for corruption/bribery risks














Corruption and bribery incidents1






















Measures taken in response to corruption and bribery incidents







Written warnings




Termination of employment




Number of lawsuits




Level of major fines2 and number of non-monetary penalties





Only cases of corruption in the narrow sense (e.g. bribery) are taken into account.


Major fine threshold: from €10,000.