Goals and Outlook

Reorganization of Human Resources

To prepare for the new challenges WACKER will be facing over the next few years, we reassessed our HR work in 2010. Effective January 1, 2011, we reorganized Human Resources and reallocated responsibilities. The new organization is based on two main components: first, HR support for business divisions and corporate departments and, second, strategic HR activities. The latter includes personnel marketing and development, compensation systems and new approaches to HR work. These tasks are now consolidated across the entire Group. They also cover Siltronic, which previously handled such issues within its own organization.

Health Programs

Beginning in 2011, we will establish five strategic health programs at the German sites. They are intended to address the health-related risks of demographic developments (including back problems, cardiovascular illnesses and psychological stress ). In addition, we will extend medical checkups to include managerial staff. All these measures aim at maintaining our employees’ health and thus their ability to work.

Starting 2011, we will expand medical checkups at the German sites in order to determine the state of health of all standard-payscale and above-standard-payscale employees and to provide them with individual recommendations for better health protection.

All WACKER sites have access to qualified health services. Managerial staff and employees responsible for occupational health issues receive special training.

Corporate entity: Groupwide
Deadline: 2015

Set up five strategic health programs: back health; cardiovascular health; psychological health; ergonomics; disability management (dealing with employees with occupational disabilities)

Corporate entity: WACKER Germany
Deadline: 2015

Demography: Expand age-pattern analyses and determine the need for action at our sites outside Germany

Corporate entity: Sites outside Germany
Deadline: 2010
Implementation status: Target was achieved in 2009. Groupwide age-pattern analyses are available and form the basis for continuously determining the need for action.

Set up a program for attracting promising young people (“Talent Relationship Management”) and a pool of talent for functions critical to success

Corporate entity: WACKER Germany
Deadline: 2010
Implementation status: Target was partially achieved. We have established a management process and measures for identifying and attracting external talent. For the implementation of the program, HR has created a new department that started work at the beginning of 2011.

Implement groupwide standards on occupational health and safety (13 areas of activity), checked through audits

Corporate entity: US and Asian sites
Deadline: USA: 2009, Asia: 2010
Implementation status: Target was achieved. The US and Asian sites were audited. No major discrepancies from Group standards were found.