Advanced Training

WACKER offers advanced training to all its employees. After all, we need skilled workers if WACKER is to remain innovative and competitive. WACKER develops its employees according to their strengths and chosen career paths. Clearly, lifelong learning and job flexibility are important for our employees and for the company because of the need to adjust to the longer duration of working life.

Annual performance reviews afford employees and supervisors the chance to agree on development measures. This approach applies to all employees, from standard-payscale right up to top management. In 2009, 6,200 places at seminars, advanced training courses and conferences were filled; in 2010, the figure rose to more than 8,700. Additionally, our e-learning sessions were completed 90,000 times in 2009, and 100,200 times in 2010.

Employees in Germany can select advanced training courses from the wide range on offer under the WACKER training program. The program categories are Technical Skills, Management Skills, Social Skills, and Personal Skills. Individual jobs determine whether participation in certain seminars is obligatory. For example, laboratory heads must attend a seminar tailored to their specific tasks and responsibilities. Prospective works engineers and production/operations managers attend a course preparing them for their new role. Employees at WACKER’s international sites also have access to a variety of (advanced) training courses. For example, 708 participants completed a total of 1,416 training days at WACKER Greater China in 2010.

WACKER invested €5.3 million in personnel development and advanced training in 2009, and €5.8 million in 2010.

  download table

Advanced Training1







Number of Training Hours per Employee














Standard-payscale employees







Above-standard-payscale employees2








Excludes production-specific training. Includes internal and external seminars and advanced training courses. Figures apply to WACKER Germany.


Third-level management (FK3) and executive personnel (OFK)