Summary of Significant Accounting and Valuation Methods

The main accounting and valuation methods are summarized in the following overview:


Statement of Income Items


Accounting and Valuation Method




Recognition of sales and income


Sales are recognized on delivery of goods or services and on the transfer of risk to the purchaser

Expense recognition


Expenses are recognized when incurred or when the service is utilized



Deferred taxes are recognized for temporary differences, for consolidation measures recognized in income and for tax loss carryforwards whenever their realization is sufficiently probable


Statement of Financial Position Items ASSETS


Accounting and Valuation Method




Noncurrent assets



Intangible assets, and property, plant and equipment


Amortized cost; depreciation /amortization on a straight-line basis

Investment property


Amortized cost

Investments in joint ventures and associates accounted for using the equity method


Amortized pro-rata value of the investment’s equity or the recoverable amount if lower

Other financial assets



Other primary financial assets



Held-to-maturity financial assets


Amortized cost

Available-for-sale financial assets


Fair value or cost

Loans granted and receivables


Amortized cost

Derivative financial assets


Fair value

Other receivables and assets


Amortized cost; risks are accounted for through valuation allowances

Income tax receivables


Amount expected to be reimbursed by the tax authorities

Deferred tax assets


Undiscounted measurement using expected applicable tax rates for the period in which an asset is realized or a liability paid




Current assets





The lower of the net realizable value and cost using the average cost method

Trade receivables


Amortized cost; risks are accounted for through valuation allowances

Other financial assets



Other primary financial assets



Held-to-maturity financial assets


Amortized cost

Available-for-sale financial assets


Fair value or cost

Loans granted and receivables


Amortized cost

Derivative financial assets


Fair value

Other receivables and assets


Amortized cost; risks are accounted for through valuation allowances

Income tax receivables


Amount expected to be reimbursed by the tax authorities

Securities and fixed-term deposits held to maturity


Fair value or cost

Cash and cash equivalents


Amortized cost


Statement of Financial Position Items EQUITY AND LIABILITIES


Accounting and Valuation Method




Noncurrent liabilities



Provisions for pensions and similar obligations


Determined using the projected unit credit method

Other provisions


Present value of the future settlement value

Income tax provisions


Present value of the future settlement value

Financial liabilities


Initially recognized at fair value; amortized cost

Other financial liabilities



Primary interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing financial liabilities


Amortized cost

Derivative financial liabilities


Fair value

Other liabilities


Amortized cost

Deferred tax liabilities


Undiscounted measurement using expected applicable tax rates for the period in which an asset is realized or a liability paid




Current liabilities



Other provisions


Future settlement value

Income tax provisions


Future settlement value

Financial liabilities


Initially recognized at fair value; amortized cost

Trade payables


Amortized cost

Other financial liabilities



Primary interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing financial liabilities


Amortized cost

Derivative financial liabilities


Fair value

Income tax liabilities


Amount expected to be paid to the tax authorities

Other liabilities


Amortized cost